Community Event Archives

  • NCSY New Jersey to join us for Shabbat services

    This week, a chapter form NCSY-New Jersey will be joining us for Shabbas and we would like to invite the community to service on Friday night and a dinner following.

    NSCY will have some students speak at the Service and at the meal. As well as singing............
    We hosted them last year (different kids but the same chapter) and it was beautiful.
    If you would like to join please let me know A.S.A.P. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so I can give a number to Mazal who will be catering. The cost per person is $25 for the meal (services are no charge).
    Service will be at 6:40PM followed by dinner.
    Have a great day!
  • Municipal Elections - 2014


    Election Day - 2014



    It's voting day.  Exercise your right to vote and help elect our city's mayor and council members.

  • Rabbi among top 10 for CNN's hero of the year

    During the 2012 Channukah season, one of the speakers at Rabbi Galperin's community menorah lighting was the founder of Kids Kicking Cancer.  I just came across an article in the Jewish Tribune about Rabbi Goldberg being a finalist for CNN's hero of the year.  I am reproducing the article here.


    Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg started Kids Kicking Cancer and has been chosen as one of 10 finalists in this year’s CNN Hero of 2014. Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg started Kids Kicking Cancer and has been chosen as one of 10 finalists in this year’s CNN Hero of 2014.

    One day, Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg came upon a child screaming in hospital during a chemotherapy session and spontaneously stepped in to try to help. Extemporizing, Rabbi Goldberg, a black belt in karate, taught the five-year-old a basic tai chi breathing technique, calming him so that the nurses could begin chemotherapy.

    “I told him that the pain is a message you don’t have to listen to and I showed him how to breathe in this amazing energy and blow out the pain…and that is how Kids Kicking Cancer (KKC) was born,” Goldberg told

    Goldberg, rabbi emeritus at Young Israel of Southfield, was head counsellor of Camp Simcha at the time, and sadly, would himself lose a daughter to leukemia.

    The non-profit’s website says their mission is “to ease the pain of very sick children while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally.”

    Weekly classes merge modern integrative medicine with traditional martial arts. The program also uses Skype and has spread around the world to hospitals in New York, California, Michigan as well as here in Canada, Israel, and even the Vatican Hospital in Italy.

    Rabbi Goldberg is one of 10 finalists (out of thousands of nominations worldwide) eligible to become CNN’s hero of 2014. If you would like to help vote him to the top, visit: until Nov. 16.


  • Simchat Torah Unity Service - 2014

    You are invited to attend a joint service of Congregations Shaarey Zedek and Shaar Hashomayim for Simchat Torah, this coming Thursday night at 7:00PM at the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue.  Click hereor on the image below for a printable flyer.

     Invitation to Simchat Torah Celebration

  • High Holiday Schedule - 2014

    The high holidays are upon us once again, and we will be holding our services in the chapel of the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue.  If you haven't already received your holiday mailer (with membership form, and welcome letter), please inform Dana Horwitz and she'll get one out to you.  Click here, or on the image below, for a full-sized, printable copy of the holiday schedule.



    High Holidays Schedule - 2014



  • Succot Dinner 2014

    Join us for Succot Dinner under the stars.  Click here or on the image below for your printable invitation.


    Invitation to Succot Dinner 2014


  • Condolences to Rosenbaum Family

    We would like to send our condolences to the Rosenbaum family on the passing of Earl Rosenbaum.  Funeral services to be held Monday, June 16 at 2:30PM at Temple Beth El.  Shiva will be at the home of Janet Rosenbaum, 2449 Alexandra as follows:  June 16:  7PM, June 17: 2-4PM and 7PM, June 18: 2-4PM and 7PM.
  • Sell your chometz

    Hurry, hurry, hurry!  Sell your chometz before it's too late.  Complete and submit your Chometz Sale Agreement by April 13th to give the rabbi time to get rid of your chometz before Pesach.  Pretend you're searching for the afikomen, and find the Authorization to Sell Chometz in the Online Forms section of our website menu.
  • Passover Seder 2014

    Click here or on the image below for a printable version of the Passover Seder invitation.


    Annual Community Seder


  • Passover Schedule 2014

    Here is the schedule for this year's Pesach Seder and services.


    Schedule for Passover 2014



  • Purim in Africa

    This year's theme for the community Purim event is "Purim in Africa".  Click here, or on the image below, for your full-size printable invitation.


    Invitation to the Purim in Africa party


  • Chanukah Sock Menorah - 2013

    The annual Chanukah candle lighting at Devonshire Mall will feature a menorah constructed from socks.  How is that possible, you might ask?  Well, truth be told, I have no idea, so I'm just as eager to see this menorah as you are.


    Join Rabbi Galperin and special invited guests at the Devonshire Mall Food Court on November 28, 2013 at 4:00PM for the "reveal".  Then, stay for Chanukah refreshments.


    Click here or on the image below for a printable invitation.



    Chanukah Candle Lighting Invitation


  • New Poll Available

    There's a new poll on our website.  Don't be afraid to express your opinion!
  • New Poll Available

    There's a new poll on our website.  Don't be afraid to express your opinion!
  • Succot Dinner 2013

    Join us for Succot Dinner under the stars.  Click here or on the image below for your printable invitation.


    Invitation to Succot Dinner 2013


  • Fifth Annual Community BBQ - 2013

    *** NOTICE ***

    Due to the earliness of the high holidays this year and the lack of time to adequately prepare, the Annual Community Bar-B-Q has been postponed.  More details to follow...



    5th annual Shaarey Zedek Community Bar-B-Q Postponed


  • High Holiday Schedule - 2013

    The high holidays are upon us once again, and we will be holding our services in the chapel of the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue.  If you haven't already received your holiday mailer (with membership form, bbq flyer and welcome letter), please inform Dana Horwitz and she'll get one out to you.  Click here, or on the image below, for a full-sized, printable copy of the holiday schedule.



    High Holidays Schedule - 2013



  • Condolences to the Victor family

    The members of the Shaarey Zedek community wish to express our shock and sadness at the passing of Lorraine Victor, president of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim.  Her leadership and devotion to the Jewish community will be sorely missed.  We send our heartfelt condolences to her family.
  • New poll on our website

    It's been several months since we had a new poll on our website.  Check out the poll at the right of the screen.  And if you're feeling charitable, please also notice our new DONATE button at the top right.  Enjoy the summer!
  • Terror strikes close to home

    Betzalel Folk, a former Windsor resident and friend who still has family in this city, moved back to his native Israel a few years ago.  Today, I received an email that was painful to read.

    You may have read about the recent attack by a Palestinian man who stabbed, then fatally shot a young Israeli man as the man waited for a ride?  That young man was the son of Betzalel's cousin.  That young man left behind a grieving wife and five children.

    What had been an impersonal story about yet another victim of terrorism suddenly came to life - it became personal.

    On behalf of our congregation, I wish to extend my condolences to Betzalel, and his cousin's family.

  • Condolences to the Indig family

    Our condolences go to Sheldon, Baila and the entire extended family on the loss of Beatrice Indig.  The funeral was held Sunday morning at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery, with Shiva terminated early due to Pesach.
  • Passover 2013 Schedule

    Passover 2013 Schedule
  • Time to make your reservations

    Check the "Online Forms" section of our website to arrange for selling of Chometz, and making your reservations for the first seder.
  • Passover Seder 2013

    This year's first seder will be held the evening of March 25, 2013 at the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue.  Please click here or on the image below for a printable flyer.


    Invitation to Passover Seder 2013


  • Wishes for a speedy recovery to Adam Friedland

    Members of Congregation Shaarey Zedek pray for the speedy recovery of Adam Friedland.
  • Does anyone remember Rev. Wittenberg

    We have received a query from family members trying to trace Rev. Wittenberg, who lived in Windsor and attended our synagogue in the late 1920's.  If anyone remembers this person and can provide some information to the family, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I'll forward it to the family.

    Thank you!

  • Condolences to the Rabi family

    Condolences to the Rabi family on the loss of our dear friend Yehuda Rabi.  The funeral will be Monday, February 4, 2013 at 1:00PM at the Chesed Shel Emes Funeral Chapel, with interment following at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery.  Shiva will be held Monday through Thursday evenings at 5:30pm; Tuesday through Friday mornings at 7:30am; and Sunday morning at 8:15am at the Rabi residence at 2494 Kildare Road, Windsor.
  • Purim 2013

    Join us in celebrating Purim at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre on Sunday, February 24, 2013.  Click here, or on the image below, for a printable version of the invitation.


    Join us for Purim Celebrations at the Windsor JCC


  • Synagogue website has moved!

    No, we're still at the same website address.  But as of January 1st, our website is hosted on a much faster, and hopefully, more reliable server.  That means faster load times, and not as many interruptions.
  • This is a Test

    This is a test message.  If you see it, please ignore it.
  • Condolences to the Newman Family

    It is with much shock and sadness that we announce the passing of Dan Newman, a member of our congregation.  Funeral services will be held gravesite at Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery on December 14, 2012 at 12:30PM.  Shiva arrangements to follow.
  • Tuesday's Parsha Class Cancelled

    Due to a conflict with the Jewish Women's Circle Event, the Parsha Study class scheduled for Tuesday, November 13, 2012 has been cancelled.  Classes resume next Tuesday.

  • Fashion Show

    Join us for a fashion show and dinner on November 13, 2012 at the Peretz House.  Click on the image below for a full size printable copy of the flyer.


    Fashion Show and Dinner


  • Have you listened lately?

    You may not know this, but Rabbi Galperin, as part of his community outreach, has been a weekly guest on the University of Windsor student radio station's "Boker Tov" show for more than two years.  As a service to our visitors, these weekly interviews (which are part of a longer, overall broadcast featuring Yiddish and Hebrew music) have been featured on the shul's website.


    So, the next time you want to know more about a particular weekly parsha, just take a look at the "Rabbi on Radio" item in our menu and have a listen.

  • 2012 Book Fair

    Click the image below for a full-sized copy of the announcement



    Book Fair 2012


  • Condolences to the Shanfield/Melnick Family

    A funeral for Gail Shanfield was held on Friday morning, 11:00AM at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery on Pillette Road.  The family will be sitting Shiva from Sunday through Tuesday afternoons at 4395 Riverside Drive East.
  • Simchat Torah Unity Service

    You are invited to attend a joint service of Congregations Shaarey Zedek and Shaar Hashomayim for Simchat Torah, this coming Monday night at 7:30PM at the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue.  Click hereor on the image below for a printable flyer.

     Invitation to Simchat Torah Celebration

  • Join us for Succot Dinner

    Invitation to Succot Dinner
  • Milton Dzodin runs for public office

    Milton Dzodin, past-president of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, is running as the Republican candidate for Oakland County Commissioner - District 17.  We wish him the best of luck in the coming election.  Visit Milton's website at
  • High Holiday Schedule - 5773

    Here is the schedule for this year's High Holiday observance.  Click here or on the image below for a printable version.


    High Holiday Schedule 5773


  • Unveiling for Lena Shanfield

    The unveiling for Lena Shanfield will take place at 2:00PM on September 23, 2012 at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery.
  • Groundbreaking for Frosty's on the Lake

    Milt Dzodin, long term member and past-president of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, invites members of the community to the official Ground Breaking ceremony for "Frosty's on the Lake" located at 220 Jackson Street in Colchester.  Frosty's on the Lake will offer a selection of kosher-sourced foods to residents and visitors in the Colchester Marina area.  The ground breaking will take place on Friday, August 24th at 6:00PM.
  • Fourth Annual Community Bar-B-Q

    The entire Jewish Community is invited to attend Shaarey Zedek's fourth annual Bar-B-Q, which celebrates the last hurrah of summer and lets you meet our rabbi (if you haven't already) before the upcoming High Holidays.

    Don't be shy!  What have you got to lose?

    Click here or on the picture below for a printable copy of the invitation.



    Invitation to fourth annual Shaarey Zedek Community Bar-b-q


  • French swimmer protests with a silent tattoo

    French swimmer stuns Olympic Games with a silent tattoo

    The IOC’s refusal to permit a minute’s silence for victims of the Munich terror attack 40 years ago has already provoked a protest from the Italian team, who staged a minute’s solidarity silence outside the Israeli team’s quarters.

    Now a French swimmer has found another method of commemoration. Fabien Gilot, a member of the gold medal-winning 4 x 100 team raised his arm in triumph to reveal a tattoo in Hebrew reading: אני כלום בלעדיהם -in English: I am nothing without them.


    French swimmer protests with a silent tattoo


    He explained that it was a tribute to his grandmother’s Jewish husband, Max Goldschmidt, an Auschwitz survivor and a huge influence on his life.

  • Kiddush for Lena Shanfield Yahrzeit

    Joan Shanfield will be sponsoring a kiddush at the Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue on August 4, 2012 in honour of her mother's first Yahrzeit.  All members of Shaarey Zedek are welcome to attend after our services are completed.
  • Boker Tov

    Regular visitors to this website will know that there's a feature ("Rabbi on Radio") that I like to update every week.  Just around Pesach, that feature was no longer being updated.  I stopped updating the column because I thought the show had stopped airing.  Initially, I figured it was on break between Pesach and Shavuot, but when Shavuot came and went, and the show still was not appearing on the CJAM website, I assumed it had ended.

    Long story short, the show had not ended.  The CJAM website had undergone some changes, and the location for the show archives changed.  Nobody told me, despite repeated questioning, and I was unable to locate the archive on my own.

    Today, with the help of the host of the Boker Tov radio program, I located the new archive location and I'll be spending considerable energy downloading, editing, and uploading the Rabbi's missing interviews to the synagogue website.

    To those of you who listen to these recordings, it will be like a kid in a candy store for the next few days - listening to all those missing interviews.


    Boker Tov

  • You're all invited to a bris!

    Rabbi Galperin and wife Rivkah wish to invite the community to the bris of their baby boy.  The event will be held on Monday, June 18th, 2012 at 5:30PM at Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue.  A meal catered by Mazal's will follow in the social hall.
  • Condolences to the Whitehouse Family

    Our condolences go out to the Whitehouse family, and to Magda Berger, whose brother Eugene Whitehouse was laid to rest on Sunday, June 10.
  • Baby Boy Galperin

    Congratulations to Rabbi Galperin and Rivkah on the birth of a baby boy.  Mother and baby are doing well.  The bris was held Monday evening and was well attended.
  • Shavuot Services and Learning

    Shavuot services this year will be held beginning the evening of May 26, 2012 and during the days of May 27th and 28th.  All-night learning will be held on Saturday evening beginning at 11:59PM at the Rabbi's house.  Shavuot services will be held Sunday morning at 9:00AM; and again on Monday morning at 9:00AM with Yizkor at 10:45AM.

    Click on the flyer images below for your own printable copy of the details.



    Join us for a Shavuot Celebration



    Shavuot Learning


  • Condolences to the Berger Family

    It is with much sadness that we inform you of the passing of Laja Lee Berger.  The graveside funeral service will be held this Friday, May 4th, 2012 at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery at 10:00 am.  Shiva information to follow.
  • Condolences to the Plaut family and Temple Beth El members

    It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing earlier this morning of Rabbi Dr. Jonathan V. Plaut; former Rabbi of Congregation Beth El.  As soon as we have details of the funeral arrangements, we will post them.  Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
  • Condolences to the Parnes Family

    Our hearts go out to Louis and Fran Parnes and their children on the passing of their daughter, Bailey (Barbara).  Shiva will be held at the Parnes residence, 2214 Victoria, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (April 15-17) at 7:00PM.
  • Pesach timetable

    Here's the updated information for this year's Pesach preparation, seder, and services.  Click here or on the image for a printable version.



    Pesach 2012 Schedule


  • 1st Seder at the Shaar Hashomayim

    This year, Congregation Shaarey Zedek has arranged for the social hall at the nearby Shaar Hashomayim synagogue to again serve as the venue for our community 1st seder meal.  Using this facility will mean that Mazal will have access to the full kitchen facilities for preparation and serving, and we'll be able to accommodate a larger number of participants.

    For this event, your payment in full is your reservation.  Take advantage of the early-bird special rates and R.S.V.P. by March 30th to save yourself some cash.  Those reserving after this date will have to pay a bit more.

    Click here, or on the image below to load a printable version of the flyer.


    Join us for our 1st seder


  • Izzy Sigal Passes Away

    Our friend Izzy Sigal passed away this morning.  We would like to send our condolences to the surviving members of the Sigal family.  The funeral will be held graveside at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery at 4:00PM Friday, March 16th.  Shiva arrangements as follows:  Sunday through Wednesday evening at 6:30PM at 75 Riverside Drive East, Apt. 803.  Morning services:  Saturday morning at synagogue, Sunday morning at Shaar Hashomayim Chapel (8:30AM), Monday through Wednesday at Peretz House.
  • Please help this traveller in need - updated

    A gentleman from out of town will be spending Shabbat in Windsor during the weekend of March 23/24.  He will be observing a yahrzeit on Saturday evening and is hoping the Windsor community can get together enough people for a Mincha/Ma'ariv minyan.



    We will be holding a special community minyan at 7:15PM on Saturday, March 24, 2012 at the rabbi's home, located at 1420 Victoria Avenue.


  • Join us for the reading of the Purim Megillah

    All are welcome to join us for the reading of the Purim Megillah on March 7, 2012 at the Shaarey Zedek synagogue.

    Click here or on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    Purim Party at Shaarey Zedek


  • Purim Celebration at JCC - March 8th

    Join us at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre on March 8th for the annual Purim party sponsored by the Jewish Student Centre of Windsor and Mary Kamen.

    Click here, or on the picture below for a printable version of the flyer.


    Purim in the Wild West


  • Farm Fresh Changes Rewards Program

    Farm Fresh  no longer has the stamp program.  They now have a plastic card program.  You must sign up for the card and designate Shaarey Zedek Windsor to receive your points.  Your card will be scanned after your food purchase is complete.
  • The Bielski Brothers - March 4

    Join us at the Jewish Community Centre for the documentary "The Bielski Brothers" on Sunday, March 4, 2012.  Also present will be the Windsor Essex Youth Choir.

    Click hereor on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    The Bielski Brothers


  • The Forgotten Refugees - February 28

    Join us at the Jewish Community Centre for the documentary "The Forgotten Refugees" on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

    Click hereor on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    The Forgotten Refugees


  • Another rebate from Farm Fresh

    Congratulations to all the people who have donated their Farm Fresh points to our synagogue.  Due to your ongoing support, we have received yet another payment of $50.00 from them. 
  • Condolences to the Biederman family

    Our condolences go out to Dr. Mark and Randi Biederman on the passing of Mark's mother, Sally.  The service will take place at the Hebrew Memorial Chapel, 26640 Greenfield Road (corner of 11 Mile Road) in Oak Park on Sunday, January 29th at 2:00PM.  Interment to follow at Machpelah Cemetery.  Shiva will be observed at the home of Lisa Baum Isack, 5588 Northcote, West Bloomfield, MI, through Sunday evening.  Full details here.
  • Lights of Change - 2012

    A penny for your thoughts? How about 50,000 pennies?

    The goal is to collect $500 in pennies, which will be used to build a menorah.  Proceeds of the collection will go to benefit "Kids Kicking Cancer".  Candle lighting will take place on Monday, December 10, 2012 at Devonshire Mall.


    Click on the image below for a printable copy of the event details.



    Lights of Change to benefit Kids Kicking Cancer


  • Chanukah at Devonshire Mall - 2011

    What are we going to do next year?

    Following a first-ever lighting of a giant menorah at the Devonshire Mall two years ago, and last year's follow-up of a menorah built from cans of food for the unemployed centre's food drive, this year's edition featured a menorah made from lego pieces which were donated to the children's ward at Metropolitan Hospital.

    Below is just one picture, depicting the lighting of the second candle by a group of children and teens who attended the December 21st event.  Once we sort through all the amazing photographs taken at the event, we'll update our online photo gallery.

    Lighting the lego menorah
    Photo courtesy of Michael Trussler
    Below is a video shot by Mr. John Gellner, one of the attendees of the event, and posted on YouTube.  Click on the video to begin playing.
  • Annual Menorah Lighting at Devonshire Mall

    Everyone in the community is welcome to join us in lighting the Chanukah menorah on December 21, 2011 at 4:00PM at Devonshire Mall.  Last year, the menorah was constructed from cans of food that were donated to soup kitchens in Windsor.  This year, the menorah will be built from LEGO pieces, which will be donated to the children's wing at the Windsor Regional Hospital.

    If you have LEGO pieces you're not using, you can donate them to the cause by dropping them off at any of the locations mentioned in the flyer.

    For a printable version of the flyer, please click here or on the picture below.


    Menorah Lighting at Devonshire Mall, December 21, 2011


  • Community Chanukah Celebration

    Join us on December 18, 2011 for a community Chanukah celebration at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre.  For details of costs and times, please click here or on the picture below for your own printable copy of the flyer.


    Community Chanukah Celebration


  • Cases of Religious Freedom

    Join Professor Bruce Elman for his talk entitled:  The Jewish Community, the Constitution of Canada, and the Courts:  Cases of Religious Freedom.

    Professor Elman will be at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre on December 6, 2011 at 7:00PM.  Click here or on the picture below for a printable copy of the flyer.


    Cases of Religious Freedom


  • Fiddler on the Roof (1972 edition)

    Professor Roberta Mock will be speaking at the Windsor JCC on December 1st (1:00PM and 7:00PM) and is soliciting information from the public about any people who were involved in the 1972 production of Fiddler on the Roof.  If you participated, or know anyone who may have participated, Professor Mock wants to hear from you!  Click here or on the flyer below for a printable copy.


    Fiddler on the Roof Memories


  • Gil Hoffman presents: Israel and the Arab Spring

    You are invited to a talk by Gil Hoffman, entitled Israel and the Arab Spring, to be held at Temple Beth El on November 1st .  Click here or on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    Gil Hoffman presents: Israel and the Arab Spring


  • I couldn't resist

    Here we are, just coming off the High Holidays, and for some reason, I feel a bit depressed.  I got this cartoon in an email today, and it tickled my funny bone so much, I had to put it online.  I searched for the artist and found Bruce MacKinnon, illustrator with the Chronicle Herald in Halifax.  The comments below the picture are probably attributable to Liam Myers.


    Moses, meet Steve - Cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon


  • Shimon Fogel - Nov 22, 2011

    Come listen to Shimon Fogel, CEO of Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs on November 22, 2011.  Click here or on the image below for a printable flyer.


    Come listen to Shimon Fogel - Nov 22, 2011


  • Judie Oron - Nov 8, 2011

    Jewish Book Month presents Judie Oron, author of "Cry of the Giraffe".  Click here, or on the image below for a printable flyer.


    Jewish Book Month presents Judie Oron - Nov 8, 2011


  • Meir Javedanfar - Oct 26, 2011

    The Windsor Jewish Federation invites you to attend a special presentation by Mr. Meir Javedanfar!  Click here, or on the image below for a printable flyer.


    Meir Javedanfar - October 26, 2011


  • Succot Dinner 2011

    Succot Dinner this year will be at the Shaar Hashomayim Succah (we're expecting a BIG crowd), so get your RSVP in by Monday, October 10th.  Short notice, I know, but it's been busy here!  Click here, or on the image below for a printable flyer.


    Invitation to Succot Dinner 2011 - RSVP required


  • Simchat Torah 2011

    Join us for a truly inspiring Simchat Torah celebration!  Click here, or on the image below for a printable flyer.


    Join us for Simchat Torah


  • Tashlich

    We will be meeting at the corner of Giles Blvd. and Victoria Avenue on September 29th at 4:45PM for our walk to the Detroit River, where we will perform the Tashlich ceremony.  If you are unable to walk with us, but want to join us at the river, please meet at 5:20PM at the river between Victoria and Ouellette.
  • High Holiday Schedule - 2011

    Can you believe it's almost time for the high holidays?

    Cliick here or on the picture below for a printable copy of the CORRECTED high holiday schedule.


    High Holidays schedule

    Tashlich Service:

    We will be meeting at the corner of Giles Blvd. and Victoria Avenue on September 29th at 4:45PM for our walk to the Detroit River, where we will perform the Tashlich ceremony.  If you are unable to walk with us, but want to join us at the river, please meet at 5:20PM at the river between Victoria and Ouellette.


  • Condolences to the Cohen Family

    Our condolences go out to Moshe Cohen on the death of his mother, Betsy.  The service will take place at the Victoria Greenlawn Memorial Chapel & Visitation Centre, 1525 Highway 3, this Friday, September 16, 2011 at 12:00 noon.  Shiva arrangements to be announced.
  • Minyans are starting earlier

    Our summer schedule of 7:30PM Friday minyans is over for another season.  Beginning this week, Friday night minyans will have different starting times, based on sundown.  Please keep an eye on the Service Times at the top of this page to ensure you're not late to prayers.
  • Aidin Horwitz becomes a man

    Aidin Horwitz just celebrated his bar mitzvah on September 1, 2011.  A really funny video was produced to mark the occasion.  Here it is, for all to see!



  • To build or not to build

    Check out our new poll and express your opinion.
  • Third Annual Community Bar-B-Q

    The "first" annual event represents an intention.

    The "second" shows that the first wasn't just a fluke.

    The "third" already points to a trend.

    The entire Jewish Community is invited to attend Shaarey Zedek's third annual Bar-B-Q, which celebrates the last hurrah of summer and lets you meet our rabbi (if you haven't already) before the upcoming High Holidays.

    Don't be shy!  What have you got to lose?

    Click here or on the picture below for a printable copy of the invitation.



    Invitation to third annual Shaarey Zedek Community Bar-b-q


  • Condolences to the Shanfield family

    We are sad to announce the passing of Lina Shanfield, on August 11, 2011.  Our best wishes go out to the entire Shanfield family.  A gravesite burial service will be held on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 11:00AM at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery on Pillette Road.  The family will be sitting Shiva until Friday at noon at 4395 Riverside Drive East.
  • Come Fly Away - RSVP by Aug 19, 2011

    Come Fly Away is the new Broadway musical that brings together the legendary music of FRANK SINATRA and the creative vision of Tony Award-winner TWYLA THARP (Movin’ Out).

    Tickets must be purchased by August 19, 2011 for the September 25th performance at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit.

    Click here or on the picture below for a printable poster and details.


    Come Fly Away


  • Eichah services on Monday evening

    We will be holding Eichah services this coming Monday evening, August 8th, at 8:45PM in the shul.  Please try to attend.
  • Dzodin Reunion

    We invite you all to join us today (July 3rd) at our family reunion at our cottage in Colchester.


    Here are the details:


    Dzodin Reunion Invitation


    and here's a map where you can ask for directions:


    {mosmap text='<div><div>Dzodin Reunion<br>68 Sullivan, Colchester, Ontario</div></div>'|address='68 Sullivan, Colchester, Ontario'|dir='5'}

  • Condolences to the Simanovski family

    We are sad to announce the passing of Gregory Simanovski's mother, Mania Roubanchik, on June 22, 2011 in Toronto.  Our best wishes go out to his family.
  • Condolences to the Dzodin Family

    We are sad to announce the passing of Isabel's mother, Roslyn Lya Trunsky, on June 17, 2011.  Funeral services will be held Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 10:00AM at the Ira Kaufman Chapel located at 18325 West Nine Mile Road, Southfield Michigan.  For further details concerning the funeral and shiva arrangements, please click here.
  • Shavuot Services and Learning

    Shavuot services this year will be held beginning the evening of June 7, 2011 and during the days of June 8th and 9th.  Erev Shavuot services will be held on Tuesday evening beginning at 10:00PM at the Rabbi's house, followed by all-night learning.  Shavuot services will be held Wednesday morning at 9:00AM and Wednesday evening at 8:30PM; and again on Thursday morning at 9:00AM with Yiskor at 10:45AM.

    Click on the flyer images below for your own printable copy of the details.



    Join us for a Shavuot Celebration



    Shavuot Learning


  • Come to your census

    It's a bit ironic that this year's Canadian census is taking place during the same time of year when the census of Jews at Mount Sinai was taking place.  This is a reminder that the Canadian Census is NOT OPTIONAL.  You MUST fill out your census form (either the paper form, or the online version).  And, since your census invitation was personalized just for you, the government WILL KNOW if you don't fill it out.  It is a CRIME (really!) not to participate in the census!

    In addition to the standard census, the government sends a National Household Survey (formerly referred to as the "Long Form Census") to one-third of the population of our country.  If you are Jewish and happen to receive one of these Household Surveys, it is very important that you identify yourself as "Jewish".  Census information is kept strictly confidential, so if you're trying to keep your religious affiliation private, you don't need to worry.  But, the social services planned for the Jewish population are, in some measure, dependent on how many Jewish people live in Canada, and it is very critical that every Jewish voice is heard.

    We now return to our regularly scheduled programming....


  • Art Gallery to Honour Morris and Beverly Baker

    The Art Gallery of Windsor has asked us to inform the community of this coming event:
    Celebrating 15 Years of Community Philanthropy: The Morris and Beverly Baker Foundation
    Friday June 17 at 7 PM
    Art Gallery of Windsor
    Concert featuring Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival musicians followed by appetizers and cocktails
    Concert and cocktail reception tickets are $75 each
    For more information, contact Linda Andrejicka (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    519 977 0013 ext 129

  • Jack Shanfield and Hanna Kamin unveiling

    The unveiling for Jack Shanfield and Hanna Kamin will be on June 5, 2011 at 2:00PM at the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery.
  • Politics, anyone?

    There's an election campaign underway in Canada to elect the next government.  I'll leave it to you to research the issues and follow the polls.  What I'd like to know is:  Which party do you think would be the best for Jews and Israel?

    The election is May 2nd, after which point this short-term poll will be mothballed.


    And let's treat this poll like any election - one vote per person, please.

  • Camelot at Stratford Festival - July 14, 2011

    Summer wouldn't be summer without a trip to Stratford to see Camelot.  Although the show isn't until July, tickets for this event must be purchased by May 20, 2011.  Your payment is your reservation.  Click here or on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    Camelot at Stratford Festival - July 14, 2011



  • It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist... - May 19, 2011

    This sounds like a lot of fun.  Dr. Victor Chernov, a real-life rocket scientist originally from Russia and now at the Technion - Israel's Institute of Technology, will be speaking at noon on May 19, 2011 at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre.  The cost is $10.00 per person, with lunch being served.  Reservations are required.  Click here or on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist... - May 19, 2011


  • Bus Tour of Jewish Historical Detroit - May 17, 2011

    A bus tour of Historical Jewish sites in Detroit is being planned for May 17, 2011.  The cost will be $20.00 per person and a minimum of 20 reservations are required to book the trip.  RSVP to Sharron at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre.  Details of the sites to be visited are available by clicking here or on the picture below.


    Bus Tour of Jewish Historical Detroit - May 17, 2011


  • Windsor Jewish Film Festival - Lunch and Learn

    A Lunch and Learn session discussing films shown during this year's Windsor Jewish Film Festival will be held at Mazal Tov Kosher Catering in the Peretz House on May 12, 2011 at noon.  The cost is $10.00 and an RSVP is required.  Click here or on the picture below to get a printable flyer.


    Windsor Jewish Film Festival - Lunch and Learn


  • Yom Hashoah - May 1, 2011

    This year's Yom Hashoah presentation will be at the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue on May 1, 2011 at 7:00pm.  Earlier in the day, there will be a memorial at the Shaar Hashomayim cemetery at 11:00am.  Click here, or on the picture below for a printable flyer.


    Yom Hashoah - May 1, 2011


  • Pesach Schedule

    Below is the Pesach schedule for cleaning and prayers.  Click here or on the picture below to get a printable schedule.


    Pesach 2011 Schedule


  • What if Moses had Facebook

    The people at have come up with a tongue-in-cheek analysis of how things would have been different if Moses lived in modern times and the events leading to the exodus from Egypt were to occur today.

    I struggled with the idea of placing this piece on our website, but hey, we all need a sense of humour.

    You will really need to keep up (there's lots to read, and it comes at you quickly).  When you're ready, just turn up your speakers, and start the video.  Oh, and if you can't see it very well in the small box, just click the FULL SCREEN icon (at the lower right of the video) and watch the movie full size...


  • Time to sell the chometz

    Do any of you remember that old commercial for Dunkin' Donuts, where the store manager says "Time to make the donuts..."?

    Well, it's "Time to sell the chometz".  This year, you need to have your requests submitted by April 14th if you want Rabbi Galperin to arrange for the disposal in time for the holiday.

    Just click on the "Authorization to Sell Chometz" on the main menu, and fill out the permission form.  Your completed form will be sent to the rabbi, and he will contact you to arrange for the disposal.  It's much quicker (and cheaper) than filling out a form and sending it by mail.  So, what are you waiting for?


  • Congratulations to David Lazarus

    Congratulations to David Lazarus on the birth of twin grandchildren on Tuesday, March 29 in Toronto.
  • 1st Seder at the Shaar Hashomayim

    This year, Congregation Shaarey Zedek has arranged for the social hall at the nearby Shaar Hashomayim synagogue to serve as the venue for our community 1st seder meal.  Using this facility will mean that Mazal will have access to the full kitchen facilities for preparation and serving, and we'll be able to accommodate a larger number of participants.

    For this event, your payment in full is your reservation.  Take advantage of the early-bird special rates and R.S.V.P. by April 11th to save yourself some coin.  Those reserving after this date will have to pay a bit more.

    Click here, or on the image below to load a printable version of the flyer.


    Join us for our 1st seder


  • Farm Fresh reopens - Offers money for stamps

    The Farm Fresh store has re-opened and is again offering to send money to the shul in exchange for stamps.  Just place your stamps on the Congregation Shaarey Zedek Windsor card, and help us earn money while you shop.
  • Condolences to the Bernstein family

    Our condolences to the Bernstein family on the loss of Barbara Bernstein.  The funeral is Tuesday at 11:00AM at the Rachel Kaplan Chapel.  Shiva will be at the Bernstein residence evenings at 6:00PM and at the Peretz House during the morning.
  • Purim at the shul - March 2011

    Come celebrate Purim with us on March 19, 2011.  Click hereor on the picture below for your own printable copy of the flyer.


    Purim at the shul


  • Purim Celebration at Windsor JCC

    The Jewish Student Centre of Windsor is sponsoring this year's Purim celebration at the Windsor JCC.  See details of the event by clicking here, or on the flyer below.



    Purim in China


  • Want a free trip to Israel?

    What could be more fun than a trip to Israel?  A free trip to Israel, of course.

    Beginning February 15, 2011, you can register for a free 10-day trip to Israel, if you happen to fit the qualifications.  Registration begins at 10:00AM, so don't be late.

    Click on either of the poster images below for a printable copy of the flyer.


    Fall in Love with Israel this summer
    Fall in Love with Israel this summer


  • Lunch and Learn with Kalil Adar - Director of Forest Department, JNF

    The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is proud to sponsor the visit of Kalid Hadar, Director of the Forest Department of the JNF - Northern Region of Israel.

    Kalil will be speaking about the environmental impact of the recent Carmel forest fires, among other topics.


    Windsor Jewish Community Centre
    January 25, 2011 at 12:00 noon


    View details of the presentation

  • The Jewish Ensemble Theatre presents "Modern Orthodox"

    The Jewish Ensemble Theatre presents "Modern Orthodox".  Originally starring Molly Ringwald and Jason Biggs on Broadway, this knockout comedy is about a modern young Jewish couple, Ben and Hannah, comfortably ensconced on the Upper West Side of Manhattan who are provoked to question their commitment to each other as well as the depth of their religious feeling.  It all starts when Hershcel Klein – a diamond dealer from Brooklyn wearing a yarmulke with a Yankees logo and hitop tennis shoes – arrives on their doorstep demanding to be given harbor on Shabbat.

    This play is being performed starting January 19th through February 13th.  The Jewish Community Centre has arranged for a bus to leave Windsor to see the February 6th performance.


    Bus leaves from the Windsor JCC on February 6, 2011 at 12:15PM sharp!
    Where:Performance is at the Jewish Ensemble Theatre, West Bloomfield, Michigan

    Seats are limited, so call to make your reservation as soon as possible.  First come, first served.  And don't forget to have your border crossing documentation with you when you arrive.


    View the flyer for details and RSVP information

  • The Holocaust Education Committee presents "I'm still here"

    The Holocaust Education Committee presents "I'm still here".  This one hour documentary brings to life the diaries of young people who witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust.  Through an emotional montage of archival footage, personal photos and text from the diaries themselves, the film celebrates a group of brave, young writers who refused to quietly disappear.  This film was nominated for two Emmy Awards.


    Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 2:00PM
    Windsor Jewish Community Centre

    View the flyer for more information

  • Condolences to the Berger family

    Our sincere condolences to the family of Harvey Berger who passed away January 4, 2011.  Shiva will be held at 5125 Riverside Drive East, Unit 306.  Maariv will be held there on Thursday, Sunday, and Monday at 6:30PM.
  • Congratulations to David Lazarus

    David Lazarus, a frequent visitor to our shul for Friday night minyans, will be honoured by Shaar Hashomayim with a kiddush after their services on November 20th.
  • Bernie Farber to speak at WJCC

    Bernie Farber will be speaking at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre on the evening of October 27th.  This is a reminder to come out and hear what he has to say.  Click here, or on the image below to load a printable version of this announcement.


    Bernie Farber to speak at Windsor Jewish Community Centre


  • Mrs. Shanfield in hospital

    Mrs. Shanfield has been hospitalized for unspecified ailments.  Please keep her in your prayers.
  • Gail Shanfield Recuperating

    Gail Shanfield is recuperating from surgery in London.  Recovery should be complete around the start of Chanukah.
  • Jeff Watson at the WJCC

    Member of Parliament Jeff Watson recently returned from a trip to Israel, and will be making a presentation at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre.  We have been asked to mention this, as an RSVP is required by Friday.


    Jeff Watson to address the public at WJCC


  • Succot and Simchat Torah 5771

    Please join us for a dinner in the succah on September 22, 2010.  There will be a nominal charge per person to offset our costs, and you must  RSVP so we can make arrangements for adequate food and seating.  You can find details in the flier.  Just click here or on the image below to display a printable copy of the flier.


    Invitation to Succot Dinner


  • High Holidays 5771

    Click here or on the message below to open a printable copy of our Rabbi's invitation to join us for the coming High Holiday Services.

    Invitation to High Holiday Services


  • 2nd Annual Community Bar-B-Q

    Last year, our inaugural community bar-b-q was a great success.  Please join us for our second annual bar-b-q on Sunday, August 29, 2010, beginning at 4:30PM.  For only $5, you will enjoy food, fun, and good company!  Click here, or on the image below to see a full-size, printable flyer.


    An invitation to the annual Community Bar-B-Q

  • Unveiling for George Fenyvesi

    There will be an unveiling for George Fenyvesi on Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 11:00AM at the Pillette Road cemetery.  Please reserve this time on your calendar.
  • Belated congratulations on birth of Granddaughter

    Belated congratulations to Isaac and Tamara Davidovich on the birth of their granddaughter Chanah.  Proud parents Raffy and Deena are welcome to visit and show off their bundle of joy to the congregation.
  • Baby Girl Galperin

    Congratulations to Rabbi Galperin and Rivkah on the birth of a baby girl, Chava Devora.  Mother and baby are doing well.
  • Welcome Ilene and Neshama

    Steven Lipari, the shul's newest member, sponsors a kiddush the weekend of July 3rd.  And he's invited out of town guests to help him celebrate.  We welcome Neshama and Ilene to our shabbat services, and hope you enjoy your stay in Windsor.
  • Best wishes to Mark Biederman

    Mark Biederman is having knee surgery Thursday, June 17th.  Our best wishes for a speedy recovery go to him and Randi.
  • Wishes for a speedy recovery to Rivkah Monczak

    We're hoping that Rivkah Monczak is feeling better soon, and will be able to attend shul this weekend.
  • Congratulations Fern and Allan Seidman

    Congratulations to Fern and Allan Seidman who have finally found a new home in the Toronto area.  This move brings them closer to their grandchildren in Toronto, as well as Fern's place of work.  We wish you all the best!
  • Congratulations Milt and Isabel

    Congratulations to Milt and Isabel Dzodin who will be attending their daughter's wedding in Texas.  See you after Shavuot.
  • Rebate from Farm Fresh

    Thank you for shopping at Farm Fresh in Oak Park.  Because of your support, we have received our first rebate of $40 from them.
  • Welcome Steven Lipari

    Steven Lipari will soon be moving to Windsor from Vancouver to begin his medical residency.  He recently attended services and will hopefully join our congregation.  Please welcome him!
  • Aharon's Grandmother Passes Away

    Aharon Kagan - on the death of his grandmother in Israel
  • Shirley's Elbow Surgery

    Shirley Horwitz - recovering from elbow surgery
  • Shavuot Learning

    On Tuesday evening, May 18th, don't fall asleep at home.  Instead, come visit my home and join me and your friends for a Torah Learning extravaganza.  The Shavuot Torah Learning event will start at midnight and run until the wee hours of the morning.  After a night of learning, you'll be suitably prepared to accept the Torah on the first day of Shavuot.

    Click here or on the image to download your own printable copy of the Shavuot Torah Learning flyer. 

    Shavuot Torah Learning Extravaganza

  • Shavuot is fast approaching

    As Shavuot approaches, please take time to remember its significance both historically and in our present-day world.  Plan to attend Yizkor services on May 20, 2010.

    Click here or on the image to download your own printable copy of the Shavuot flyer. 

    Join us for a Family Celebration 

  • Jack Shanfield passes away

    Breaking news (update): 

    Jack Shanfield, well-known local business man and a member of Congregation Shaarey Zedek for a record 83 years, passed away Wednesday morning, April 21, 2010, after a brief illness.

    The funeral was held at the Rachel Caplan Chapel at 3:30PM on Thursday, April 22, 2010, with interment at the Jewish Cemetery on Pillette Road.

    The family will accept visitors in their apartment located at 1191 Lillian Avenue, Apt. 203 (corner of Giles Blvd.) between the hours of 10:00AM and 9:00PM daily until April 27th, then 10:00AM to noon on Wednesday, April 28th.

    Morning services will be held as part of the usual daily minyans at the Peretz House, located at 1653 Oullette Avenue.  Parking is available in the rear parking lot or on Pelissier Road.  Morning services are held at 7:30AM Tuesday and Wednesday; 7:15AM Monday.

    Afternoon services will be held Sunday through Tuesday at 6:30PM at the shiva house (1191 Lillian Avenue, Apt 203).

    Friday night and Saturday morning services will be at the Shaarey Zedek synagogue, 610 Giles Blvd. East (across the street from the Shanfield's apartment).


  • Yom Hashoah 2010

    Join us on Sunday, April 11, 2010 at the cemetery and at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre as we remember the tragedy of the Holocaust.

    Click here for your printable version of the flyer.

    Yom Hashoah Remembrance 

  • Passover schedule

    If you're a member of the shul, you should have already received your Passover schedule by mail.  For those who misplaced their schedule, or are not members of the shul, the schedule is posted here for your convenience.

    Passover schedule

  • Are you ready for Passover?

    Passover is just around the corner.  This year, Congregation Shaarey Zedek's own Rabbi Galperin will be offering to buy your Chometz; and will be hosting a community Seder on the first night of Passover, right in our shul!

    Click here to download the contract for Chometz Sale, or, if you prefer, you can make your Sale of Chometz request online by completing the "Authorization to Sell Chometz" form (see Online Forms).

    Click here to download information about the Pesach Seder, or, if you prefer, you can RSVP online by completing the "RSVP for First Seder" form (see Online Forms).


    Contract for Sale of Chometz (please mail before March 22nd)

    Contract for sale of Chometz


    Invitation to First Seder Meal (please RSVP by March 17th) 

    Passover Seder Invitation 

  • You asked for it!

    Purim must have presented some terrific photo opportunities.  In the aftermath of the Purim celebrations last weekend, several members have asked for a photo gallery to be added to our website.  We already have the ability to view random images placed on the site by select individuals.  Now, we're opening the floor to anyone who wants to contribute.

    Just click on the menu item "Submit Photos to Gallery" to find out how you can become a contributor to our website!

    And while you're at it, take a few moments to vote in our newest poll:  "What do you think of the Photo Gallery". 


  • Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Galperin

    Please join Rabbi Galperin for a Lunch and Learn event on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre.

    Click here to view a printable copy.

    Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Galperin 


  • Join our Purim Celebrations

    This year, Purim will fall during the last weekend of the month.  Celebrating Purim will be a blast, with a party at the shul, as well as another at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre.  Here are the details:


    Start by attending the reading of the megillah on Saturday night at our shul.


    Celebrate Purim at Congregation Shaarey Zedek 


    Then, join the Jewish community for a costume party buffet at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre. 



    Celebrate Purim at the Jewish Community Centre


    It's not too late to contribute to the organizing fund for this event.  To make a contribution, contact Rabbi Galperin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


    To download full-sized posters of these two events, click here for details of the Saturday party, and here for the Sunday party. 


  • Chanukah Dinner

    Please join us for a Chanukah meal at the shul, and celebrate the holiday with us. Details are on the flyer below.

    An invitation to join us for a Chanukah meal at the synagogue

  • Chanukah at the Mall

    For the first time in the history of Windsor, a giant community menorah will be displayed at the Devonshire Mall.  Please join us for the lighting of this historic menorah, and celebrate the holiday with us.  Details are on the flyer below.

    An invitation to join us for a menorah lighting 

  • New Features come online

    Now that the High Holiday rush has passed, we are beginning to make progress on the promise of a website that will grow through the contributions of its members.  Beginning this week, select members have been given the capability of creating their own content on our website.  The first fruit of this collaboration is the new menu item "This week's parsha", which you will find to the left of the screen.  Hopefully, you will enjoy the weekly message.

    If any of our congregation members wish to suggest a topic of interest and will commit to regularly producing content that is informative and fit for publication, please drop me a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll discuss it.

  • Rosh Hashana Services

    Please join us for High Holiday services as follows:

     Sept 18 - Erev Rosh Hashana Friday evening @ 7:30PM
     Sept 19 - Rosh Hashana I (morning)  Saturday morning @ 9:00AM
     Sept 19 - Rosh Hashana II (evening) Saturday evening @ 7:30PM
     Sept 20 - Rosh Hashana II (morning)

     Sunday morning @ 9:00AM 

     Sept 27 - KOL NIDRE Sunday evening @ 7:00PM
     Sept 28 - Yom Kippur (Yizkor Service)

     Monday morning @ 9:00AM 

     Sept 28 - Neilah Service Monday evening @ 6:30PM
     Oct 2 - Erev Succoth (Dinner in the Succah) Friday evening @ 7:00PM
     Oct 3 - Succoth I (morning) Saturday morning @ 9:00AM
     Oct 3 - Succoth II (evening) Saturday evening @ 7:30PM
     Oct 4 - Succoth II (morning) Sunday morning @ 9:00AM
     Oct 9 - Erev Shmini Atzereth Friday evening @ 6:45PM*
     Oct 10 - Shmini Atzereth (Yizkor Service) Saturday morning @ 9:00AM
     Oct 10 - Erev Simchat Torah Saturday evening @ 6:45PM*
     Oct 11 - Simchat Torah (morning) Sunday morning @ 9:00AM
     Oct 11 - Simchat Torah (evening) Sunday evening @ 6:45PM*


     * The time has been modified since this article was originally published

  • Community Bar-B-Q

    Join us for a Community Bar-B-Q to be held on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 4:00PM on the front lawn of the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue.  Food will be free, and there will be lots of opportunities to connect with the entire Jewish community.

In our thoughts



The following businesses support the synagogue with their generous donations.

Please show your gratitude by supporting them.

Kiddush Club

Wanted: Kiddush Club sponsors

If you are celebrating a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, yahrzeit) and want to share it with the community, why not consider sponsoring a Kiddush Club Event?

Nice to know

Upcoming Events

Use the Kiddush Club Request Form (see menu) to publicize your upcoming simcha or yahrzeit by sponsoring a Shabbat kiddush.

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