Submit Photos to Gallery

How to Submit Photos to the Photo Gallery

In response to requests from several members of the congregation, we have added the ability for members to submit photos for inclusion on our website.  The process is simple:


Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and specify the following information:


1)  Your name (first and last name)

2)  The email address where you want us to send your login information

3)  A brief explanation of what types of pictures you intend to send 


You will be assigned a username and password which can be entered on the home page of our website.  After logging in, you will see a "User Menu" that will include the ability to upload photos to our website.  Do not share your login name or password with anyone.  If we find that this feature is abused by a member or by someone who has obtained the username and password from a member, that member will be banned from sending any more photos.

After you send your photos, the administrator of this website will inspect them for inappropriate content.  Once approved, the pictures will appear on the website and can be viewed by anyone who visits our site. 


To send photographs:


After logging in and selecting "Submit Photos to Gallery" from the User Menu, you will see a link called "User Panel" in the centre section of the screen.  Click this link, then click the "New picture" button to be taken to a screen where you can send up to 20 pictures at a time.

You MUST specify a title for the group of pictures you intend to send.  For example, if you are sending several pictures taken during a particular event, it is suggested that the name of the event be placed in the "Title" area.  You may also include a description for this group of photos, but it's not essential to do so.

For each picture you wish to send, click a "Choose file" button, and you will be shown a list of files on your computer.  Choose one file to be sent.  You can repeat this process up to 20 times before you click the "Upload" button.  The files will not actually be sent until this button is clicked.  As mentioned previously, the files you send will not actually appear on the website until they have been approved.

In our thoughts



The following businesses support the synagogue with their generous donations.

Please show your gratitude by supporting them.

Kiddush Club

Wanted: Kiddush Club sponsors

If you are celebrating a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, yahrzeit) and want to share it with the community, why not consider sponsoring a Kiddush Club Event?

Nice to know

Upcoming Events

Use the Kiddush Club Request Form (see menu) to publicize your upcoming simcha or yahrzeit by sponsoring a Shabbat kiddush.

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