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Channukah at Devonshire Mall 2014
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This year's theme was a menorah made of toys, to be donated to the Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Foundation.
Channukah at Devonshire Mall 2013
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This year, for the only time in recorded history, the US Thanksgiving celebration coincides with the first day of Channukah. For this auspicious occasion, Mayor Eddie Francis joined the Windsor Jewish community for the fifth annual lighting of the community menorah at Devonshire Mall.
As in years past, this event was intended to collect for a charitable cause. This year's recipient was the Street Help / Unit 7 Homeless Services. The socks and mittens collected by the sponsors (Shaarey Zedek, Shaar Hashomayim, Temple Beth El, Windsor Regional Hospital and Massey High School) will come in very handy for this bitter, cold winter.
Channukah at Devonshire Mall 2012
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All photographs in this section were taken at Devonshire Mall on December 10, 2012 during the Channukah candle lighting ceremony. This year's menorah was built from coins. The total collected for the charity "Kids Kicking Cancer" exceeded $2,000.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this project.
Channukah at Devonshire Mall 2011
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The third annual Channukah Community Menorah Lighting event was known by the theme: "Legos for Kids!"
The giant menorah was built totally from legos purchased with funds donated by the three local synagogues (Shaarey Zedek, Shaar Hashomayim, and Temple Beth El) and money collected by students from Massey Secondary School. Approximately 3000 lego pieces were used to build the menorah. After the ceremony at Devonshire Mall, the menorah was transported to Windsor Regional Hospital (Metropolitan Campus) where it remained on display for a few days before being disassembled for use by the children.
Channukah at Devonshire Mall 2010
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This second annual Channukah Community Menorah Lighting event was known by the theme: "Yes we can!"
The giant menorah was built totally from cans collected by Massey Secondary School students as well as from cans donated by the community at large. Approximately 1500 cans were used to build the display in Devonshire Mall out of a total of more than 5500 cans collected for distribution to the needy through the Unemployment Help Centre of Windsor.
Channukah at Devonshire Mall 2009
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- Hits: 71,130
In the first annual lighting of the Community Menorah at Devonshire Mall, the synagogues of Windsor found a way to bring awareness to the local community of the practices of Judaism by erecting a giant menorah. There was music, food, activities for the children, and a festive atmosphere. The event was also attended by a representative of the Windsor City Council.
Holocaust Memorial
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Purim Celebration
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- Hits: 10,585